HI !!!
Here I am add the Custom Field for the Customer Registration Form using the database,
It's very simple to add Custom Field in Registration Form and also in Manage Customer Account Information of Admin,
This is the easiest way to Create field using Database Query !!!!!
A) First, Open your Database of Magento
Click on SQL tab of your Database and simplly write Below Query in that
1) Insert into eav_attribute set entity_type_id="1",attribute_code="occupation",backend_type="text",frontend_input="text",frontend_label="Occupation",is_required=0,is_user_defined=0,is_unique=0
2) Copy the Last inserted Id of "Eav_attribute" table
3) Insert into `eav_entity_attribute` set entity_type_id=1,attribute_set_id=1, attribute_group_id=1,attribute_id=134,sort_order=111
Here, you mention that change your attribute id with the Last inserted id of Eav_attribute table.
attribute_id = "Last Inserted Id of Eav_attribute" table
4) insert into `customer_eav_attribute` set attribute_id="134",is_visible=1,multiline_count=1,is_system=0,sort_order=111
same as Point (3) change attribute_id
5) insert into `customer_form_attribute` set form_code="adminhtml_customer",attribute_id=134
same as Point (3) change attribute_id
6) insert into `customer_form_attribute` set form_code="checkout_register",attribute_id=134
same as Point (3) change attribute_id
7) insert into `customer_form_attribute` set form_code="customer_account_create",attribute_id=134
same as Point (3) change attribute_id
8) insert into `customer_form_attribute` set form_code="customer_account_edit",attribute_id=134
same as Point (3) change attribute_id
B) Now, some code for Create Field to saw in Front end,
1) open Customer/Form/registration.phtml
simply Copy-Paste below code
Copy this .......
<label for="occupation"><em></em><?php echo $this->__('Occupation') ?></label>
<div class="input-box">
<input type="text" name="occupation" id="occupation" value="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($this->getCustomer()->getOccupation()) ?>" title="<?php echo $this->__('Occupation') ?>" class="input-text" />
2) open Customer/Form/edit.phtml
simply Copy-Paste below code
Copy this .......
<label for="occupation"><em></em><?php echo $this->__('Occupation') ?></label>
<div class="input-box">
<input type="text" name="occupation" id="occupation" value="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($this->getCustomer()->getOccupation()) ?>" title="<?php echo $this->__('Occupation') ?>" class="input-text" />
This is work for me in Magento 1.7
Here I am add the Custom Field for the Customer Registration Form using the database,
It's very simple to add Custom Field in Registration Form and also in Manage Customer Account Information of Admin,
This is the easiest way to Create field using Database Query !!!!!
A) First, Open your Database of Magento
Click on SQL tab of your Database and simplly write Below Query in that
1) Insert into eav_attribute set entity_type_id="1",attribute_code="occupation",backend_type="text",frontend_input="text",frontend_label="Occupation",is_required=0,is_user_defined=0,is_unique=0
2) Copy the Last inserted Id of "Eav_attribute" table
3) Insert into `eav_entity_attribute` set entity_type_id=1,attribute_set_id=1, attribute_group_id=1,attribute_id=134,sort_order=111
Here, you mention that change your attribute id with the Last inserted id of Eav_attribute table.
attribute_id = "Last Inserted Id of Eav_attribute" table
4) insert into `customer_eav_attribute` set attribute_id="134",is_visible=1,multiline_count=1,is_system=0,sort_order=111
same as Point (3) change attribute_id
5) insert into `customer_form_attribute` set form_code="adminhtml_customer",attribute_id=134
same as Point (3) change attribute_id
6) insert into `customer_form_attribute` set form_code="checkout_register",attribute_id=134
same as Point (3) change attribute_id
7) insert into `customer_form_attribute` set form_code="customer_account_create",attribute_id=134
same as Point (3) change attribute_id
8) insert into `customer_form_attribute` set form_code="customer_account_edit",attribute_id=134
same as Point (3) change attribute_id
B) Now, some code for Create Field to saw in Front end,
1) open Customer/Form/registration.phtml
simply Copy-Paste below code
Copy this .......
<label for="occupation"><em></em><?php echo $this->__('Occupation') ?></label>
<div class="input-box">
<input type="text" name="occupation" id="occupation" value="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($this->getCustomer()->getOccupation()) ?>" title="<?php echo $this->__('Occupation') ?>" class="input-text" />
2) open Customer/Form/edit.phtml
simply Copy-Paste below code
Copy this .......
<label for="occupation"><em></em><?php echo $this->__('Occupation') ?></label>
<div class="input-box">
<input type="text" name="occupation" id="occupation" value="<?php echo $this->htmlEscape($this->getCustomer()->getOccupation()) ?>" title="<?php echo $this->__('Occupation') ?>" class="input-text" />
This is work for me in Magento 1.7
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